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How we do care

We use science-based training methods as a foundation for the way we interact with our member dogs.
Positive Redirection

To ensure safe socialization for all dog members, our Droperators constantly engage with them using treats, clicks, vocal cues, and loop leads.

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Personalized attention

We take the time to get to know each dog, so that we can give them the specific attention they require to be most comfortable in our space.

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The benefits of our daycare approach

Take a look inside our spaces
Thoughtfully designed for the health, safety, and enjoyment of your dog

Safety gates


Multiple rooms


Enrichment toys


Separate feeding

What to know before joining
Signing up

Our intake might seem long, but it helps us understand your dog’s starting point. That way we can give them the best chance to pass our Good Fit Test and succeed at Dogdrop. We take your dog's behavior and health seriously to create a safe membership based community.

Health requirements

We also have higher health requirements than other daycares (more vaccinations, flea/tick protocol, etc.). This is so that we can keep your dog and all the others as healthy and safe as possible.

Good Fit Test

Before starting at Dogdrop, we need to get to know your pup IRL. Our Good Fit Test gives us the time (between 1-2 hours) to evaluate whether Dogdrop is the right environment for your dog.

First week free (LA locations only)

Once your dog passes the Good Fit Test, you have a week to try Dogdrop out, on us. This gives you and your dog the chance to ease into a new, positive daycare routine.

What makes a Droperator

One of the key ways we differentiate ourselves from other daycares is our highly-trained Droperator team.

Rigorous Training

CPR & First Aid Certification

Dog Handling

Dog Enrichment

Dog Love

Cleaning Mastery